Trusted news

“War is Peace 
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength”

These are the words carved into the enormous white pyramid that stood outside the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984. If we are to avoid the nightmare world that Orwell imagined, we must turn this fabled pyramid on its head. Reliable news sources are the lifeblood of a free society. Here are some sources that we trust.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Beware fake news and when in doubt go to Media Bias Fact Check for a useful take on bias of all kinds.


Definitive source of breaking news from journalists worldwide, Associated Press is a non-profit co-operative which uses moderately loaded language.


An analytical source, The Economist covers current affairs, international business, politics, and technology with an editorial line that supports free trade, globalization, open immigration, and social liberalism.


The Age is our favourite Australian news source. A bit like the Guardian, but for Melburnians. We also like ABC News, the Australian national broadcaster.


Slow news is good news. Delayed Gratification swims against the tide of knee jerk news reporting. Non-profit publication, and a thing of beauty in all regards. We have a subscription.


Reuters is the world’s largest international multimedia news provider with a value neutral approach to coverage that reaches 1bn people every day.


A general management magazine published by Harvard Business Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard University. The Harvard Business Review always references credible media sources.


We love California. Mother Jones publishes beautiful photo essays and a typically Californian take on the environment, heath and culture.


We love the weather infographic on the back page of USA Today. The one-sentence news snippets from all 50 states are a must; discover life in small-town America laid bare.


62% of British adults who follow the news said they are most likely to turn to the BBC for accurate news coverage. Not perfect, but worth promoting .


A leading financially and editorially independent UK news source with a recognised commitment to journalistic freedom and liberal values. The story selection in The Guardian reflects progressive centre-left thinking.


Described by Donald Trump as ‘naïve’ and ‘dumb’; The New York Times is definitely worth reading when looking for factual new reporting on US affairs.


The South China Morning Post is Hong Kong’s newspaper of record.  Bought out by the Alibaba Group in 2015 and taking a more pro-China line in recent times. A far-eastern perspective on the world.


Interesting stuff

Not everything fits into an easy category. Here at Cogent Content, we come across interesting stuff all the time. We often don’t know what to make of it, or what to do with it.  If it makes us think, laugh or smile, then we reckon it’s worth capturing and sharing.